A real-world example demonstrating some advanced features of the XWord Info Finder Page.
Finder Page Video Tutorial
The most useful feature on XWord Info is the Finder Page. It’s easy to use for straightforward searches, but there are many deeper capabilities. This video helps you get started. The tutorial barely scratches the surface of what’s possible. To keep it to 15 minutes, I don’t even mention using $c and $v for consonants… Continue reading Finder Page Video Tutorial
Analyze your Puzzles improvements
We’ve made some improvements to the “Analyze your own puzzles” feature.
Integrating OneLook
We’re starting to integrate the complementary powers of XWord Info and OneLook.
Constructor Biographies
If you’re an NYT constructor, XWord info wants to know more about you.
Updated: Analyze Your Own Puzzles
The XWord Info Analyze page (which also generates links for your test solvers) has been given a huge update.
Goodbye Pangram, Hello POW
Well, you can safely ignore this post. Now that Jeff has stopped doling out POWs, I’ve gone back to counting pangrams on the baseball cards. Every NYT constructor gets what we call a Baseball Card on XWord Info. Like real baseball cards, there’s a photo and a bunch of stats only nerds care about. Until… Continue reading Goodbye Pangram, Hello POW
Tips for Debut Constructors
Constructor notes are the best part of XWord Info. Here’s how you can make your notes shine.
Cheating at Bee with RegEx
We often get questions about using RegEx on XWord Info, most of which I can’t answer, but an intriguing question arose recently. Can RegEx be used to find NYT Spelling Bee words? The short answer is that, yes, we you can filter words in our lists that match Bee rules, but you end up with… Continue reading Cheating at Bee with RegEx
XWord Info is not a porn site
Internet providers sometimes block XWord Info and other likely porn sites.