Hints are now available for diagramless crosswords.
Category: XWord Info features
Tips and tricks for getting the most out of XWord Info.
Cryptic Benefits with Friends
Cryptic Crosswords are easier and way more fun if you solve with a friend.
What’s new?
Recent XWord Info changes
30 Million Finds
The XWI Finder hits an awesome milestone.
Debut counts
Constructor baseball cards now count number of answer words debuted.
Graphics on Grids
NYT crosswords sometimes include graphical overlays. XWord Info now does a better job of rendering these. Probably.
Odd Characters
TL:DR: Click the “More…” button on the XWord Info Finder page to see new “Words with digits” and “Words with symbols” buttons. In a recent Crossword Fiend post, blogger (and constructor) Zachary David Levy (not necessarily an odd character himself) mistakenly insisted that, while ampersands were used in several pre-Shortz puzzles, they had never appeared… Continue reading Odd Characters
How hard could it be?
I get mail wondering why I can’t promise to keep updating XWord Info. “It can’t be that hard,” is a typical comment. Usually followed by, “if you need someone to upload puzzle files, I’d be happy to do that.” Great! I’ll hand things over to you today. Just so you have a handle on things,… Continue reading How hard could it be?
Our Casual Relationship is Over
In an attempt to balance the budget, Casual Level accounts are no longer offered.
Bar Game Updates
The XWord Info Bar Game can’t compete with the Crossword or Finder pages, but it’s surprisingly popular, with many repeat visitors. This post explains why, what’s new, how it’s used, and asks your opinion about various feature requests. It’s a game? How do I win? Well, it’s not much of a game, since there are… Continue reading Bar Game Updates