XWord Info info
XWord Blog is, well, a blog, which means it’s a conversation. The purpose of this site is to host a discussion about the XWord Info website, and about crossword puzzles in general. It’s the only crossword blog that doesn’t focus on the puzzles of the day.
XWord Info is a trove of New York Times crossword answers and insights, and an essential collection of tools for constructors. Over the years, it has become deeper and increasingly complex. This blog will help make sense of it all by providing regular updates on how XWord Info evolves. We’ll explain updates, introduce you to features you may have missed, and highlight interesting observations. Our goal is to post once a week.
You can contribute too. Publish your thoughts, questions, and ideas in the blog post comments.
We’re also interested in guest submissions. Let us know if you’d like to contribute an essay on topics such as:
- Can or should crosswords be a vehicle for social change?
- How is the new push for diversity changing crosswords?
- What makes some answer words acceptable and others fail the “Breakfast Test”? Going by the numbers, MAO, ENOLA GAY, NAPALM, ATTILA, and IVANKA are ok, but HITLER, PENIS, CANCER, and WOODY ALLEN are not. What should the guidelines be?
- Are constructors fairly compensated? What changes would improve the current submission system for authors, editors, and publishers?
- How could XWord Info change to become more useful or more valuable?
We look forward to hearing from you.
Displaying a grid using JavaScript:
You probably want to go straight to the blog, but here’s a demonstration of one little-known XWord Info feature: you can host dynamic crossword grids on your own blog or website.