Diagramless Hints

A woman stands in front of a blank canvas in a sunlit studio, preparing to paint.

One of the oldest items on my Feature Request list is for a way to optionally display the standard hints for diagramless puzzles. Done. And now there’s a way to solve even older such puzzles even if PDFs are not available.

All the Variety puzzles XWord Info knows about are available on the Select Variety page, the Acrostics page, or the PDF-Only page. Diagramlesses are found on Select Variety and now they come with both a PDF link (if I have it) and a Hint link (whether I have a PDF or not.)

Click Hint and you’ll see a small blank grid, the list of clues, and a button which, when pressed, reveals the size, symmetry type, and starting square for those who want that.

Variety puzzles before 2010 have no PDFs available, but even those older Diagramless crosswords have a Hint link where you can see the clues. You’ll need to supply your own graph paper, but really, that’s the best way to solve Diagramlesses anyway.

Your thoughts?