XWord Info has more stats than anyone could ever care about, but what we learn whenever we try to delete a page, someone cares about that one.
One such probably pointless page is Unusual symmetry and asymmetry, and we’ve recently updated the kinds of symmetry we count.
Most NYT crossword grids have “rotational symmetry”, meaning that if we rotate it 180-degrees, the black square placement is unchanged.

Here are the other symmetry types we now track:
- Supersymmetry — each grid is symmetric about horizontal, vertical, and diagonal axes.
- Grids with both 90- and 180-degree rotational symmetry.
- NEW! Both left-right and up-down symmetry.
- Left-right mirror symmetry.
- Diagonal symmetry.
- Up-down symmetry.
- And, of course, asymmetry.

Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
How did William Blake get to be so famous while still being crap at rhyming?